This is definitely not an apology for outright ranting. This is a fact that The 2007 Juan dela Cruz* had a certain change of mind. The obvious reality of his country’s sentiments defeats statements of denial and lies. That glint of hope he was optimistic about has already been stretched to the wrong moon of desperate howls. The better year he has dreamt of was snatched by uncalled intruders. No stones will be thrown out but when somebody gets hit, it’s nobody’s fault anymore because he’s read further.

This year’s first quarter opened with a big bang. Being a citizen himself, Juan dela Cruz has walked the boulevard where the shards of a fallen national portrait are dumped. Step by step, he stooped to pick up the pieces, and along the way, he uncovered the reasons why.

Hunger. Somebody has stolen his favorite food right under his nose. The hoarders are currently at large but one thing is for certain: they are a personified form of rice grains thrown out of a rusty mill. Though it has been clearly pointed out that Juan is living in an agricultural country, it seemed that strengthening of foreign affairs is favored over agricultural advancement. Lately, he realized that the prioritization works – because through foreign affairs, allies are willing to donate rice and export vegetables to a country that can obviously produce the same.

Price hikes. The cost of living is rapidly rising for a country with stricken economy. Fare hikes, increased price in basic commodities, and to be specific, that rise by the NFA are done in an untimely mood. Even the pandesal is not spared from the market’s vengeful losses. So the privileged few are dying over not knowing how to spend, while their constituents perish due to not knowing what to spend.

Political outrage. Think about that highly ridiculed action movie: once an ally, always an ally. But when power and interest are endangered, blood suddenly gets thicker than water. So we dare speak the truth and condemn our own history to save what remains of our pride rather than being defeated in front of our critics.

Political pardon. Once a cheat, now a free man. Once a fighter for good governance, now a doomed man. When both are tried under the principle of the law’s supremacy, what’s their difference? Political absolution does not delight when used and abused in politicking for the purpose of gaining a favorable discount. If that’s being kind, then it should be encompassing instead of being inclined to hit the headlines.

Political ridicule. Juan knows he has become a certified sniff for continuously supporting a shameful antecedent. What are those papers for? Gratitude passes foreshadowing political intent? Nobody wins especially for someone who cheated the people and resurrects to make his face up. Then again, this is a fact: Juan has never learned.

Political trauma. In this country, legalities are tinged with the advancement of vested interest, deliberate elusion of personal felonies by washing of hands, and publicity at the expense of an ordinary man. A few brave men actually come home alive and had the terms been better, those who have refused to let their signatures deny the truth and have gone missing should be with a living hero returning to spit a massive web of conspiracy.

Political instability. Making amends with the political system would not really work because it is already working with the current set – up. It has been repeatedly said that nothing is wrong except for the people running the system. Change the system and its fine, but meet at least one important criterion: change the people with it.

Religious prejudice. What about that shocking marginalization of believers? What are the exceptional grounds? And what are the originator’s existential credentials of blabbering about denying the President a soul food? For a man preaching unconditional love, a slap of self – righteousness that denies entitlement to sustain my soul will cause me shame to even glance at the House of the Lord.

At the end of the boulevard, Juan dela Cruz has already arranged the shards to find it devoid of a central piece. If this is how it’s going to be for the rest of the year, then: the ants will be insulted because they hoard but they do not know greed, the animal kingdom wouldn’t recognize territorial bounds because they do not know envy, snakes will not shed skin anymore because it will be mistaken as scapegoat, the crocodiles will shun away from feeding together because they do not know vested interests, and our forefathers will abandon their bloodlines because at the beginning of civilization, there was a heart among them all.

To challenge the Juan dela Cruzes of the country means giving them a reason to believe. That’s to complete a better national portrait. How’s that?

Published, The Baguio Midland Courier. 27 April 2008

Thank you to czu_czu_PL for the featured image.