At first, I was assured. Convincingly.
And then, I was worried. Reasonably.
At first, I was living. Decently.
And then, I was destitute. Pitifully.
At first, I was angry. Justifiably.
And then, I was locked. Regrettably.
At first, I crawled. Mercifully.
And then, I scratched. Painfully.
At first, I begged. Humiliatingly.
And then, I bled. Profusely.
At first, I sweated. Nervously.
And then, I cried. Quietly.
At first, I pleaded. Tearfully.
And then, I got killed. Indiscriminately.
And so I died naked and hungry.
And they all celebrated.
An ode for those who do not have enough during this time.
Read all of my Covid-19 Poetry here.
Image by currens from Pixabay