Let me show you, my friends;
A scenery of how this will all end:

Lifeless bodies lying and cut;
Hungry stomachs belching the gut;
People fighting to not and to oust;
While the pandemic rages about.

The blood spills over for those who are out;
The price of grain cause you to shout;
Claiming victory for a head that they cut;
In disarray, the people rise up.

The cries of the urchins haunts all of us;
And wails of the privileged iring the mass;
We’re high, you’re low, the motto will show;
And that is how they steal your torn shoe.

But let me ask you:
Is this what you want?

Let me show you, my friends;
A scenery of how this will all end:

United in faith, cheering for life;
Across the nation, saved from this strife;
As one, we move high up above;
Glorified by nations, showing some love.

In arms, we carry the heavy lever;
But even the line will say it is over;
Alas, the enemy is now in cower;
Disintegrating while it seeks cover.

Breathe as we might, we can now rest;
Remnants of a war burnt at the test;
Look around and see them at peace;
Then stand on high ground, rebuilding with grace.

But let me ask you:
Is this what you want?

Let me show you, my friends;
A scenery of how this will all begin:

Little by little, one step at a time;
For this war won’t leave us in slime;
Our thoughts align, our goals down the line;
For ‘now’ is the name we gave to the game.

The call has been brought forth;
That this war will be fought.
And if we all fail, we will not be thought;
So let us all rise so victory be sought.

Let the sound of the gongs bellow beyond;
And the rays of the sun grace our land.
This is how we survive, we want it or not;
A single undertaking, the rising sun comes about.

But let me ask you:
Is this what you want?

A toast to our re-emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read all of my COVID-19 poetry here.

Image by analogicus from Pixabay

Tribal Sun Vectors by Vecteezy