You were admired for your wit and wisdom;
And all was well with your ideals and brilliance.
So they put you high up so that they can go up;
From a dirt-poor country and citizens in scraps.

It was too soon, they then realized;
For your wit and wisdom were not to be idolized.
Your bold speeches betray your dark intentions;
Fueled by selfish desires and shady actuations.

For all you care, they are all fine;
For what’s a penny when it earns you a dime?
But the years it took, you can no longer hide;
Your pocketful of pennies that you use to stay high.

Now, they all regret their well-meaning intentions;
With you high up, you pushed their limitations.
For in your life, you think that you can take;
All of your pennies down to the grave.

At the expense of integrity, you chose to go shady;
Saying your kind does the same anyway.
But you didn’t know they would discover your way;
As you squander what they give you each day.

That pocket of yours is what caused you to sin;
For your own sake, they said ‘empty your gain.’
For corruption is a norm, and this country is torn;
Your neighbor’s dying, cursing you with scorn.

Alas, your time has inevitably come;
With your wit and wisdom you bid to come home.
Welcome you’re not in the place amongst them;
A person so corrupt you can’t live within them.

So you beg and seek for their understanding;
Moving yet again the gambit of your gambling.
When this is all over, you will have your reckoning;
And they will pass by your grave spitting and singing.

‘Here’s to the pocket sinner,’ you’ll hear them belting;
‘With his sons and daughters the same thing in doing.’
For the sins you’ve committed are worth bequeathing;
For your kind of people whose values are nothing.

For the people who still practice their ill ways while the country is leering from the devastation of this pandemic.

Read all of my COVID-19 poetry here.

Image by ArtTower from Pixabay Money Vectors by Vecteezy