by Bridge Telva Mapangdol | Apr 23, 2020 | Poems
You were admired for your wit and wisdom;And all was well with your ideals and brilliance.So they put you high up so that they can go up;From a dirt-poor country and citizens in scraps. It was too soon, they then realized;For your wit and wisdom were not to be...
by Bridge Telva Mapangdol | Apr 23, 2020 | Poems
At first, I was assured. Convincingly.And then, I was worried. Reasonably. At first, I was living. Decently.And then, I was destitute. Pitifully. At first, I was angry. Justifiably.And then, I was locked. Regrettably. At first, I crawled. Mercifully.And then, I...
by Bridge Telva Mapangdol | Apr 23, 2020 | Poems
On the street, I lie;Sprawled helpless, I open my eyes. Around me, they shout as they cry;Footsteps gather as movement, I try. My vision still blurred, I blink and I blink;Faces with tears that shiver and shriek. Scorched and rough, the pavement I smellDank and dirty,...
by Bridge Telva Mapangdol | Apr 23, 2020 | Poems
The weeds rise; the vines crawl in intent obliterationOf a once picturesque shelter now rusting to oblivion.Still, I enter in shame with a quiet intention: Are you there, dear friends? A labyrinth of cobwebs; a pile of dust are in abundanceTaking over a melancholic...
by Bridge Telva Mapangdol | Apr 19, 2020 | Essays
A husband happily eats lunch with his wife and kids when suddenly, he complains of a severe headache. A week later, he’s got a bandage on his forehead, covering a depression caused by a hole in his skull. He’s suffered brain aneurysm, and he’s been back to the...